TANNERY Pietro Presot

Tannery Pietro Presot was founded in 1932 in Porcia, Italy.
In 1954, they supported the Italian expedition involved in the climb to K2: "it is the Italians who will attack K2, the second highest destination in the world at 8610 meters." They made the leather for the boots available to both the 11 climbers who made up the expedition and the 800 climbers that followed.
Pietro Presot's leather hold the characteristics of impermeability, flexibility and lightness that had led to the decision by the Italian national research commission to use their leathers.

The tanning process takes place in a wooden tank and uses only vegetable tannins, mainly using chestnut tannin but also quebracho and mimosas according to a precise combination.
The company is currently at a state of 0% waste in which every product discarded from the processing cycle is recovered.